2025 Oratorical Scholarships
Optimist Club of St. Louis is hosting a Club level Cash Scholarship Oratorical Contest.
Topic “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times”

The contest is open to contestants under the age of 19 as of October 1st of the current Optimist International contest year (2023 October 1 – September 30) and who have not yet completed secondary school or its equivalent.
2023 Optimist International Oratorical Video
Club of St. Louis Oratorical Club Event Join Us!
- Phase 1: Club level – 1st place $500, 2nd place $300, 3rd place $200
- Top two winners will move on to Zone level
- Phase 2: Zone level winner receive a plaque and move on to the next level.
- Phase 3: EMO District Oratorical Event (winner, parent(s)/guardian and 2 guests – travel and hotel will be covered by the Optimist Club of St. Louis)
- 1st Place: $2500 2nd Place: $1500 3rd Place: $1000
- Top winner moves on to Regional Level (Regional and World held in St. Louis University – St. Louis MO in mid July 2024)
- Phase 4: Regional – Mid America / Winners $5000 per Region Winner
- Each regional winner moves on to the International World Oratorical
- Phase 5: World Oratorical:
- 1st Place: $15000 2nd Place: $7500 3rd Place: $5000