Marketing and PR materials
For us by Media, Press, Press Releases, Government, Organizations, School Announcements, Community Events, Official Proclamations at the local, state, and federal level, etc.
Unless prior authorization has been granted please contact us for any media use and release requests. Any and all logos, trademarks, and images are copyrighted by the Optimist International Organization.
Our Visual Identity
The Optimist Club of St Louis
The roundrel symbol is a universal element of the visual identity and should be utilized on all media and press release communications.
The roundrel version of the logo is also for use on t-shirts, uniforms, specialty advertising items, pins, banners, and signage.
Format – PNG transparent

Horizontal PNG transparent
The horizontal version of the logo is the standard and is the best option for letterhead, business cards, envelopes,
and general use where adequate horizontal space can be afforded.

St. Louis Optimist Club Boiler Plate:
The Optimist Club of St. Louis begins in 1916 and has been supporting local youth in the city of St. Louis for over 106 years through programs and service projects that the Club is involved in, in addition to awarding annual community grants all in the name of Optimism.
For more information about the event, please visit our website STLOptimists.org or by calling:
President Jennifer Bagwell 314.954.4613
Our district Visual Identity
East Missouri District roundrel logo symbol format:
Horizontal PNG transparent
The horizontal version of the logo is the standard and is the best option for letterhead, business cards, envelopes, and general use where adequate horizontal space can be afforded.

Our organization Visual Identity
Optimist International is active at three basic levels and each of these need to be appropriately recognized. It is also important that the relationship between these three levels be clearly defined.
Brand Strategy
The primary brand of our organization is Optimist International and everything we do should be focused on building recognition and positive associations around our name and symbol.
District and Club Names District and Club names should always be used with the Optimist International symbol and logotype for all communications and branding.

Optimist International Boiler Plate:
About Optimist: Optimist International, founded in 1919, is a service organization serving youth and communities around the globe. It has nearly 70,000 adult and youth members in more than 2,500 clubs in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and many other nations throughout the world. Carrying the motto “Bringing Out the Best in Youth, in our Communities, and in Ourselves,” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year.
To learn more about Optimist International, please call (314) 371-6000 or visit the organization’s website at www.optimist.org.
Mission Statement
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in our youth, our communities, and ourselves.
Vision Statement
Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and
helps them develop to their full potential.
Brand Promise
Optimists bring out the best in our youth, our communities, and ourselves.
Friend of Youth
Bringing Out the Best
Our Junior Optimist organization Visual Identity
Official Junior Optimist International logos are available for download in both high-resolution and low-resolution formats
Brand Strategy
The primary brand of our organization is Junior Optimist International and everything we do should be focused on youth recognition and positive associations around our name and symbol.